
Christmas 2012

Mele Kalikimaka!  (That's Hawaiian for Merry Christmas)  We hope everyone had a great Christmas this year!  It honestly didn't feel much like Christmas for us this year without Johnnie and without snow but we still enjoyed the holiday.  Next year we'll decorate and get a bigger tree :)

On Christmas Eve we joined a group of neighbor friends for a delicious feast and then we cuddled on the couch in our Christmas jammies.  I set up my camera on my tripod and used a camera remote control to take some photos.  I literally took about 50 photos to get the three below.  I'm amazed that I actually got one with Cameron and Dulce both looking at the Camera!

There are a ton of apps (and many are free) that allow you to add Christmas elements to your photos or even allow you to "take a photo" of Santa in your house!  I used a free app called iCaughtSanta to create the one of Dulce and Santa napping together in our living room!

The first thing that Cameron and I did on Christmas morning was video chat with Johnnie!  Because of the time difference, his Christmas day was ending and he was going to bed while our day was just beginning.  I am so thankful that we have the technology available to keep us connected while he's deployed and that we were able to "spend time" with him on this special day!

Johnnie went to a midnight mass service on Christmas Eve and had a festive lunch on Christmas Day.  The chow hall was decorated and there were a lot of cookies and cakes!

Cameron and I Skyped with my family and Johnnie's, went to church, and then gathered with friends for dinner.  It was a lovely Hawaiian Christmas day :)

We do a photo Christmas card every year and this year's card is my favorite thus far!  I had purchased a Groupon deal for a company called Pear Tree Greetings which I used for the cards.  I am so impressed with the print quality and color that I'll mostly likely be using this company again next year.  The ribbon on the card is super cute but made the cards require extra postage.  Luckily I had also purchased a LivingSocial deal for Snapfish where I could order custom postage!

Cutest stamps ever :)

"Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day 
That's the island greeting that we send to you from the land where palm trees sway
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright 
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas to you!"
~ Robert Alex Anderson


  1. I love, love, love that photo where both Cameron and Dulce are looking at the camera. Dulce reminds me so much of my recently departed Daisey that I got a tear looking at it.

    The stamps are so adorable!

    The song you quoted at the end, that was one of my first records when I got a small little record player as a child. It's the first Christmas song I really learned because I could play it over and over and only heard others ocassionally on th eraido or at church.

    1. I am so sorry to hear of Daisey's passing, and especially just before Christmas :( Dog's lives are way too short in comparison to ours. Losing a pet (especially a personable Rat Terrier) is so hard. We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
