
Family Friday: Dec 28

16 Weeks Old

This week was Cameron's first Christmas... and hopefully the only one without her daddy here.  I put the "good" Christmas Eve photos on our Christmas blog post so I thought I'd share a few of the outtakes here.  Most of the photos from that evening looked like these ones.  Thank goodness for digital cameras with big memory cards :)

Johnnie's parents were recently both in Guatemala and sent us this Guatemalan baby sling for Christmas.  Cameron loves it!  It allows her to sit in front of me and look around which seems to calm her down when she's fussy and sometimes puts her to sleep.  Similar slings called "Maya Wraps" are available on Amazon and (they're cheaper on Amazon) and I've also seen some DIY baby sling pins on Pinterest.

Last weekend Cameron started sleeping 9 to 10 hours straight every night!  That is the best Christmas present she could've given me :)  More often now, she's starting to wake up smiling in the mornings and after naps.  She smiles a lot throughout the day... melts my heart every time and almost makes up for the times when she's really fussy.

I thought the drooling was bad last week... I think it's gotten worse.  There is constant drool always coming from her mouth and her shirts are always soaked.  I do change her shirt often though the drool doesn't seem to bother her!

The President and his family arrived last weekend to spend Christmas here in Hawaii.  Air Force One was parked about a thousand feet from our house all week so we saw it every time we went anywhere.  The President was elsewhere on the island so we didn't get to see him before he left.  Maybe next year.

"In the eyes of children we find the joy of Christmas. In their hearts we find its meaning.”
~Leland Thomas

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