
Happy New Year 2012-13!

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!  Happy New Year!  Cameron was asleep by 8:30 so Mr. Glass-O-Champagne and I watched the ball drop on a web video and then I went to bed shortly after midnight.

Last year, we suited up for New Year's Eve 2012 in South Korea.  January was spent doing last minute shopping, packing, and saying goodbye to friends.  Johnnie flew his final flight in the A-10 fighter jet, finishing with over 2,000 flight hours!  When he landed, I climbed up to give him a kiss and then he climbed down and got sprayed with water and champagne :)

At the end of January, we packed up our things and moved from South Korea to Hawaii.  I was 5 weeks pregnant with Cameron, so this was technically her first plane ride!

Dulce had to spend 35 days in Animal Quarantine when we first arrived on the island.  We visited her as often as we could.

We lived in a hotel for two months when we first arrived, waiting for a house to come available.

In May, Johnnie's family arrived for a visit and we all took a trip to the Big Island.  I never blogged about this trip but I will eventually because it was so beautiful and we saw so much!

Johnnie arranged for my best friend to visit in June while he was away!  We toured the Arizona Memorial, went to a luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center, went to the beach, and went hiking.  I will be blogging about some of those things eventually as well.

At the end of June I traveled to Pennsylvania to visit family (who threw me a surprise baby shower!) and then we went to New York (where Johnnie joined us) for a cousin's wedding.

July 17th was Dulce's 3rd birthday and she celebrated with a cake and a martini ;)

In July, my parents arrived with two of my nieces and a nephew for a visit.  This was an action packed trip touring all of the memorials and Ford Island, going to some beaches, riding a submarine, going to Waikiki, touring the island, seeing the Dole Pineapple Plantation, going to a luau, and going shopping.  I will definitely be blogging about some of these adventures eventually as well.

I recorded my growing belly each week with the Family Friday blog posts from March to September.

At the end of August, my amazing neighbors threw me a Tea Party themed baby shower and Johnnie and I took our own maternity photos with a tripod and self timer.  All of this was just in time...

On Sept 7, I was unexpectedly induced 3 weeks early due to high blood pressure.  Johnnie was away on a trip and miraculously arrived in time for our daughter, Cameron Cecelia, to be born on Sept 8.

Johnnie's sister and parents arrived in October for a long visit and were here for Cameron's baptism and for Halloween.

Cameron was baptized on October 21.

At the end of October, Johnnie deployed.  We miss him every minute of every day.

In December, my mother arrived for a visit and was here for my 35th birthday on 12/12/12.

Cameron is growing fast and is becoming such a sweet and personable little individual.  So far we've had her first Halloween, first Thanksgiving, first Christmas, and now first New Year's!

When Johnnie and I were dating, the number 13 came up often.  We even ended up getting married on the 13th of December and Cameron was 5 lb 13 oz when she was born.  The number 13 has always brought us good luck thus far so I have a feeling that 2013 is going to be an amazing year for us.  I hope that this new year brings you all many blessings, bountiful opportunities, and exciting adventures!

"May you have love that never ends,
lots of money, and lots of friends.
Health be yours, whatever you do,
and may God send many blessings to you!"
~Irish Blessing


  1. I see why you did not blog about the trip to the big island because you would have given away Cameron's name!

    1. Oh, and I went on that submarine trip in Honolulu and while everyone else was engaged with the sealife, I was fixated on how we lost the colors of the spectrum one at a time as we went deeper and deeper - I kept looking at people's clothing instead of the fish. lol
