
Family Friday: Jan 4

17 Weeks Old

On New Year's Day, we went to across the backyard to our neighbor's house for brunch.  They had a real Hawaiian Christmas tree in their house!  It is technically a Norfolk Island Pine and is characterized by symmetrical branches in rings that are evenly spaced on the trunk.  They are beautiful and unique looking trees but the branches are quite flimsy so you need lightweight ornaments.  Many islanders just buy the average evergreens that are shipped here from the mainland.

Cameron only went to the neighbors to say hi and to show off her snazzy outfit and then she went home for a nap.  She slept in her swing in the kitchen and I rigged up a "baby monitor" using my iPhone, the iPad, and FaceTime - that was Johnnie's idea.  Genius, right?!  With Cam sleeping and the monitor on, I went back across the yard (only about a 40 foot distance) to enjoy some food and company on my neighbor's back porch.  It was a lovely relaxing way to enjoy the start of the new year.

When Cameron woke up and started to cry, we heard it on my iPhone.  But it turns out that I didn't need that monitor set up with Dulce in the house!  As soon as Cam started crying, Dulce came bursting into the backyard and started barking loudly at us.  She knew where I was and she was letting me know that Cameron was awake and crying!  What an amazing dog :)

In the early evening, we often walk Dulce over to the dog park behind our house.  Dulce actually doesn't care to stay very long at the park but it's a good chance for all of us to get some fresh air and delay Cameron's fussy time.

Thankfully fussy time has gotten shorter and we've been able to establish a nightly routine.  Fussiness begins around 6:30 and I simply do what I can to keep her from screaming.  At 7:15 Cameron gets a bath and dressed for bed.  At 7:45 she eats one last time and then she's in bed before 8:30.  It's so nice having some quiet time to myself before I head to bed as well.

Cameron seems to constantly have fingers or a fist in her mouth but I'm starting to see more and more thumb sucking and usually with her right hand.

Here is a short little video of Cameron grabbing and pulling on the plastic rings hanging from her play mat.  I guarantee she would have them in her mouth if they would reach!  She doesn't seem too sure of what I'm doing hovering above her :)

The photo on the left below is from an iPhone app called KitCam that I stumbled upon this week.  It has a ton of really cool features for taking and editing photos and video.  Cameron really resembles a baby Johnnie, don't you think?

"Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons."
~Author Unknown

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