22 Weeks
As you can see in the ultrasound picture below, it's definitely a girl! This better be the only time in her life when her lady bits are displayed on the internet ;)
Here are the final results of the gender voting on the blog. It was pretty close, but it was wrong!
Our "Gender Reveal Party" was SO much fun to do! I ordered the gorgeous (and delicious) cake pictured below from my friend at Delicious Wishes. She is a fellow Air Force wife so her business moves with her. They are soon moving to Alaska so please keep Delicious Wishes in mind if you live there!
Johnnie's parents and sister are here in Hawaii visiting. On Sunday, all of my family gathered at my parent's house in Pennsylvania and joined us via Skype. My family thought they would just watch us cut the cake but I surprised them with a cake of their own! My wonderful Aunt Andrea baked a cake and showed up at my parent's house unexpectedly ;) My dad and Johnnie's mom cut the cakes at the same time and revealed the pink inside!

We recorded our Skype party to remember this special event. My family crowd in the video consisted of my parents, my grandmother, my three brothers and their wives, my five nieces and nephews, and my aunt and uncle. I love that we can use Skype to share things "in person" despite being so far away!
- is about 11 inches long from head to heel
- weighs approximately 1 pound
- has lips, eyelids, and eyebrows that are becoming more distinct
- has no pigment in her eyes yet
- has tooth buds formed under her gums
WEIGHT: +10 lbs total. That's a one pound gain this week.
BODY: My waist is now at +3.5 inches, my lower belly is still at +3.5 inches, and my hips are still at +1.5 inches.
THE GOOD: 1) Gender. Finding out the gender this week and sharing it with family and friends was amazing. Some women argue that finding out the gender at birth is more of a surprise but I completely disagree. There was just as much anticipation and surprise sharing the news now AND I got to watch everyone's reaction! Besides, we still have one surprise left for everyone at the birth... Baby G's name! 2) Movement. Baby G is very active, which is especially in the early morning and late at night. Now that I've seen our little girl in there on the ultrasound, there's no longer an alien-connection to feeling and seeing my belly moving.
THE BAD: The only bad thing this week was a headache, but that's nothing new. I had one bad one that lasted for three days.
FOOD: Nothing new here either. I still love eating Cheerios, pickled beets, and hot/spicy food. Knowing that Baby G can "taste" the things I eat now makes me smile every time I eat or drink something :)
EXERCISE: I'm still loving my Power Pump class! It feels so good to work my muscles and I can feel myself getting stronger with each class. I went to a prenatal yoga class this week for the first time. It was good enough that I'll go again. Yoga stretches feel amazing, especially in the hip area.
OTHER NOTES: I have been convinced for years that I was only ever going to have boys. I was completely shocked when I found out that Baby G is a girl! It actually took me all weekend to get over the shock. It wasn't necessarily that I was upset, it's just that I honestly never expected to have a girl! I'm slowly getting used to the idea and starting to get excited about shopping and decorating for a little girl. Raising her will be such a fun adventure and Johnnie will love being wrapped around her little finger :)
"A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside...
when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time,
and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone"
~Author Unknown